Years ago somebody paid me for a couple of guitars selling on Ebay with Postal Service money orders...seemed a little weird as they wanted to overpay me...I held onto the guitars until I was sure the checks cleared which they initially seemed to...a few weeks later they didn't. Never sent the guitars as I kept getting different addresses from the barely intelligible thick Asian accented buyer. Note that if a deal seems shaky, it likely is.
Fraud and scam, how many of you are victims?
I was a victim of the most unpleasant experience just recently.I thought i was buying a preamp, but it proves i have been sending money to a scammer. It turns out the seller had been using a stolen ID and digitally manipulated photos.
I managed to get in contact with the fellow whos ID had been stolen, and it proves many more have been scammed like me. I'd like to point out that this is NOT through Audiogon, but another big sight.
Utterly painful when it's borrowed money. This makes me totally rethink any future purchase on the used marked.
I wonder how many of you fellow audio-friends have had this happen to you?
I managed to get in contact with the fellow whos ID had been stolen, and it proves many more have been scammed like me. I'd like to point out that this is NOT through Audiogon, but another big sight.
Utterly painful when it's borrowed money. This makes me totally rethink any future purchase on the used marked.
I wonder how many of you fellow audio-friends have had this happen to you?