Were any if you able to get a pin machined or get a new one from Tien?
I was probably one of the first buyers of Tien's B60 replica more than a decade ago probably even predating Nandric.
My first B60 replica unit had a very bad side to side wobble compared to my original B60 that came with my FR66s.I was paranoid that using it on the fly would cause a disastrous accident to one of my cartridge cantilevers.
I contacted Tien on numerous occasions, at first he refused to acknowledge that there could be a problem and he then went awol after promising to send me a replacement. From memory this could have been around 2011.
He finally got in touch with me when I started warning other AGon members about my plight on his B60 for sale threads. Eventually he sent me a replacement where we had to do an exchange of units via a third party whom we both happened to know.
The replacement had less wiggle and I did clean off all the goop he was using and lubricated it with a lighter viscosity which seemed to somewhat alleviate the problem but not cure it totally.
I still do not attempt to dial VTA height while a record is playing so would appreciate some advice if anyone has managed to acquire a better machined pin/setscrew.