Four MC Phono Cartridges

I am going to upgrade the cartridge on my Technics SL1200G turntable. The turntable is connected to my Mac C2500 Tube Preamp. The Mac preamp had both mm and mc and I can change the mc cartridge loading on the fly via remote and also adjust gain. Presently I am using my ZU Denon DL103 cartridge. I am tired of the sound as I have owned this cartridge for 11 years.

I have narrowed my choices down to the following:

Dynavector DV20X2L. Low output MC. I had the previous itineration of
this on a VPI Scout and loved it.
Audio Technica AT-OC9XSL. Low output MC
Audio Technica. AT-ART9XA. Low output MC
Audio Technica. AT-ART9XI. Low output MC

I do not know the difference between the ART9XA and the ART9XI, can someone enlighten me on it? Would going from my ZU Denon to the OC9 XSL be a sideway move or a good one? Or, would one of the ART9 cartridges be better? Please explain why.

I am only interested in these 4 cartridges, no others. I have been researching for a year. Still don’t know which ones are compatible with the Magnesium arm on the Technics. Lastly, my phono preamp works with low output MC down to .1 mv.

Showing 1 response by dover


I think you would be better off with the Dynavector DV20X2L.
The Technics 1200G is a dry sounding deck and the ART9’s, particulalrly with the Shibata tip, can be a bit brittle sounding.
The Dynavector is slightly higher compliance which will work well with the Technics arm, has a microridge stylus profile which is excellent for detail retrieval without any brittleness. very smooth.
Given that you have had the Dynavector before, loved it, and Dynavector tends to constantly improve their products, its a no brainer.