found some old records. advice please.

Guys sorry to bug and especially if this is a old worn out topic. Just had a death in the family and in the process of sorting things out I found a fairly sizable stack of records. All are fairly old (look to be 60's and prior) and as far as I can tell are in good shape. Issue is I know absolutely nothing about vinyl. Would anyone have some suggestions to help me get started in evaluation and most likely sales of old albums? For example are there online sources that I can use for determining if these are of value/interest and if so the best way of doing so? appreciate any advice. thanks guys.

Showing 3 responses by czarivey

Most old champagne 50's...60's music can be found at good will stores dime or quarter per piece. In 60's they become absolutely boring compared to Al Green, Bo Didley, G.Lewis... Pop music always appears for short period of time than goes off the listeners list. I'd say as a living vinyl seller that the best place for selling these most efficient is
So do you really know any 50's...60's MFSL records? Recommend any? Have any?
No need for MoFi,
Try to find London FFSS releases with blue label first. I found recently in thrift store $.25 Mantovani Film Encores London FFSS in NM condition in original undamaged sleeve.
It's indeed hard to find MoFi records with matching sound.