Fostex 206 EN(?) upgrade

I'm have an upgrade itch to scratch. 

I own a set of BLHs based on the Kirishima on  The Spawn Family of Double Horns ( . I was wonder if there was a drop-in driver available that I try that would be an upgrade over the current Fostex 206 EN (I believe them to be ENs) I currently have. 

I'm very happy with the speakers although they do sometimes exhibit a "shout" at high frequencies which are most noticeable with female vocals, strings and piano. I never had this with vinyl but I have switched to streaming a while ago  and suspect the digital to be a smidgen brighter and getting the better of the drivers. 


Showing 1 response by murphythecat

fostex fe206 are some of the worst speakers ive had
ref 3a decapo would be a easy upgrade