Fostex 206 EN(?) upgrade

I'm have an upgrade itch to scratch. 

I own a set of BLHs based on the Kirishima on  The Spawn Family of Double Horns ( . I was wonder if there was a drop-in driver available that I try that would be an upgrade over the current Fostex 206 EN (I believe them to be ENs) I currently have. 

I'm very happy with the speakers although they do sometimes exhibit a "shout" at high frequencies which are most noticeable with female vocals, strings and piano. I never had this with vinyl but I have switched to streaming a while ago  and suspect the digital to be a smidgen brighter and getting the better of the drivers. 


Showing 2 responses by mozartfan

pauly OP
964 posts04-08-2021 9:21pmGot a pair of fe208e Sigma’s as per Johnk’s recommendation. Very very nice

I am the WBer guy around here. Worlds BIGGEST mouth for wide band/full range/point source/high sens speaker in the
(My love for WBers equals my HATE for all low sens speakers))
anyway,,JUST NOW< about 10 minutes ago made the
FOSTEX discovery while researching the old Coral FR speakers..
man o man.
This site not only hates WB/FR they detest, despise, disgust at any thing WB/FR,,, rant over...
I love my Davidlouis,,but i must say...I think the Fostex is going to blow away
AER, Voxativ, Davidlouis, Tang Bang in every shootout.

WBers rule, Smashes any xover low sens types up to $500G ;’s and beyond.
Even will destroy Wilson;’s !M speakers.

Something tells me, I have this gut feeling
This Fostex 208EZ is going to present a  real challenge to both the '
Tang band 2145 
DavidLouis VX8.
This is one bad  looking gun slinger.
Sens is high at 94?, No make that 97db. 
ahhh this  speaker will not work with my Defy's 100 watts,,, ahhh , hummm, hopefully the 845 i have my eye on is not the watts they clain at 22.
IMHO best amps for these high sens WBers are 1 watts-4 watts.