Looking for fellow Audiophiles, music Lovers, and diy Audio people in the Fort Worth , (and Dallas areas ) , who would like to get together - - - I live in Fort Worth and want to find like minded people to talk about audio equipment and share music , Kind Regards, Dean
Have only connected with albert porter anyone else like to shoot the bull have listening session?

Have been looking for other Audiophiles. Would like to get together with others and talk stereo.
I am doing well....where in plano do you live? would you like to talk

give me an email on here..

How are you ,

I am in Plano , and would like to meet fellow music and equipment mined people.
I am in Lewisville and am new to the area also...maybe we can get together have a listen ...

fyi i just sent and email go but got a delivery failure notification? IS there an newer/updated email that I can send to in the future?


Jeff from Fort Worth here and making my official introduction to the group. I am in the midst of putting together and 2.1 channel system and found this thread in the process of it's acquisition. Very good to meet all of you and no doubt I will always have more questions than answers!

IF you guys/gals ever do meetups I would certainly like to visit and get to know you all. Take care and hope to hear from some or all of you soon!

Jeff S.
aka CokemachineGlow
Hi Guys - If you haven't been to Lone Star Audio Fest, It's alot of fun !!!! And I'm planning on attending again this year... If you hang around after the show each night - several groups of us usually go out to dinner together, It's another great way to get to know people !! - Also there is a happy hour down on the ground floor in the center of the building, food, beverages , and fun - another good time to talk about audio ! I'm Looking forward to it !!!! Dean
I know I'm planning to attend, and Dean has mentioned it as well. I certainly look forward to it.
What would be great is if a few of you local guys would attend Lone Star Audio Fest.

This is scheduled for Dallas, TX. May 4,5 & 6 (2012). Best of all, it's free and very nice local show.

We can swap information, plan listening sessions as well as enjoying the show together.
Hi my name is Woody and I'm an audioholic.
I'll send you my contact stuff via email.
aka Woodman
Arlington TX
Hi Guys , My email is --- ---- for those who haven't yet - please post your email... OR email me so we can talk about a time to meet together, we can do lunch or meet at homes for audio sessions - what ever works for you ......... Kind Regards, dean
Yes - putting together some kind of audio club would be Great !!! I'm not much of an organizer but I will do what I can until we find someone who likes to carry the ball - I am really an introvert at heart : ) I wasn't able to make the meets at Eric's place but hope to soon! I did meet with Seth for a lunch and had a great time talking about audio with him ! He travels alot for work but wants to meet with everyone! - I will try to get in touch with each of you, and maybe we can reach out to other forums and find more people in the area --- Kind Regards, dean
I had a nice listening session with Eric on Wednesday. I know he mentioned something on Saturday, and I'd probably be there again but have prior obligations. Let's keep the ball rolling and get a solid club together.
Hi Everyone - Sorry I'm slow - having Laptop problems,- might need to try and replace my motherboard- (that should be fun : )...., - my email is, or - phone number 817-423-0315 - please leave message ! We should maybe plan a get together... I know not everyone will be able to make the same day ,but we can meet several times maybe .... to get to know each other - thoughts? Kind regards, dean
Here's Branislav...would welcome meeting some local audiofans as
I sent an email to Eric. We can all connect through him since he's already posted his info.
Hello Dean, Jazzerdave, & Swanny76109...

email me your phone # so we can connect. my email is posted in the forum. btw, I'm in Keller....
Hey Dean (and Albert) I am also in the DFW area and would be interested in getting together too. Unfortunately we can't connect on audiogon directly anymore. How can we all connect now? John
I'm in NE Ft Worth (near Watauga). I've also got a couple of other people who'd probably enjoy getting together, but they're not active on Audiogon.
Hello Dean...

I'm in fort worth also and we can swap info and get together some time. Here is my email:
I'm in Dallas, feel free to contact me. We can swap email or phone time and see if we can get together.