Forsell DAC and transport the best?

I have a Forsell DAC and I have a chance to here it in my system with the Forsell Air bearing transport. A wonderful combination.The most muisical Digital system I have listen to in my system. BUT I have never have the opportunity to listen to more modern Digital front end like Wadia 861, DCS etc so I dont know if the modern tech with upsamling is better. Before I start looking for a used Forsell transport I wonder if anyone have owned this Forsell combination and have found anything better?

Showing 1 response by rcprince

I have yet to hear a transport or standalone CDP that is as "analog" sounding as the Forsell (the only ones I've heard that come close are the CEC units), and their DAC, which I have not heard, is reputed to be the same kind of sound and was designed to work optimally with their transport. I think that, musically, there is almost nothing new out there that can top that combination (although I'd opt for the Audio Logic DAC I use); certainly no transport I've heard that can top the Forsell. You may not get the ultimate in resolution, but you'll be enjoying the music so much you won't care a bit.