Thanx for the many great selections. Sir Lord Baltimore-Boulder Damn and Night Sun are great bands that I was unfamiliar with. Also discovered Armageddon-st-1975. If your familiar with Armageddon is it worth the effort and cost to obtain an import pressing?
Forgotten heavy bands from late 60's to early 70's
Have been a fan of hard rock/metal since high school. Always liked the heavy/physcadelic bands equally to the metal bands I grew up with Ozzy-Maiden and Scorpions ect. Recently on Youtube I discovered some heavy/physcadelic bands I was unaware of. 13th Floor Elevators-Five Day Rain-Probe Direction-The Hook and Vahalla. Are these bands albums worth persuing? Feel free to mention any other band that deserves to be heard. Look forward to your responses.
Showing 3 responses by dayglow
@artemus_5 My point was objective NOT subjective! |
@artemus_5 IMO Grand Funk Railroad is not a Forgotten band but a very polarizing band. Since I was in Elementary school during there peak I have only recently(last 10 years) discovered(listened/studied) there discography. "E Plurbis Funk" is possibly there best recording but is it great? Vocals and skill set are well below the best bands of that period but the blue collar image of giving "it all" on stage made them fan favorites. |