For those familiar with Sonus Faber

I’m thinking of the Olympic Nova 3 but is the Amati Tradition or Serafino worth waiting for the extra money?


Yes, Yes, Yes!!

Budget matters, of course, but so does room size.  I’ve owned both Serafino and Amati’s.  When I jumped up to Amati’s the room blossomed with a much fuller soundstage.  Can’t go wrong with either but best to invest now and not be wanting later.  

I have an Arc ref 10 and a pass 250.8. So I’ve already spent a lot of money there. I was also looking at the Maxima Amators but one woofer? What are massed strings and brass going to sound like? I listen to many types of music.

I do not have a large room but I like my music on the rather loud side it somehow sounds richer but I do not need a strong bass. I prefer the highs and the mids with the bass just as an underpinning. So I am looking for detail, nuance, sparkle and transparency.

I had the same question that you did. Between the SF Nova III and a used set of Serafino Traditions. I ended up with a deal on the Serafino that ended up being less than the Nova would have been. Couldn't be happier with that decision. 

@roxy1927    The Nova series is due for an update so I would wait. Regarding the Maxima Amators, I thought they were overtly "nice" sounding lacking bite/drive, could have been partially due to the Dan D'Agostino Progression amplifier. The current Nova 3 is a much better all-rounder. Hope the next Nova update will improve on bass refinement with added sensitivity and please offer the choice of the highest quality conventional speaker grills.

Where would you place the Elipsa in the Sonus Faber hierarchy? I heard them at a friend's place, and was impressed, but I have not heard the models mentioned above.