For those familiar with Sonus Faber

I’m thinking of the Olympic Nova 3 but is the Amati Tradition or Serafino worth waiting for the extra money?


Showing 1 response by curiousjim

I’m also interested in Sonus Farber speakers and have a local dealer who desperately wants to become a SF dealer. I was asking about the Amati g5  and the Serafino g2 and was told there were none in my state. My local dealer said we could drive 250 miles and listen to a pair of Liliums running on a full McIntosh rack. I’m asking about a $26k speaker and she wants to show me a $75k speaker.  I started to laugh and she quickly came back with and I’ll buy you lunch! I keep on laughing. I haven’t decided if the 9-10 hours of driving is worth hearing speakers I’m not going to buy playing on a system I’m not familiar with. But then there’s that free lunch…