For the rest of my life Ypsilon or Luxman?

Looking for a pair mono amps that I can be happy with...well forever.
Thinking of the Aelius ll or the M900U. Don't have the real estate for anything larger.
Have a terrific stereo amp but want a deeper more holographic soundstage and more transparency with the qualities of the best of SS and tube.
I listen to a lot of early twentieth century orchestral(Mahler, Sibelius), baroque(Handel, Corelli) classic jazz from the 50s and 60s and classic rock from the 60s and 70s. Also have found that vinyl takes singers like Frank, Sarah and Ella to another higher level.
In my area it's very hard to audition these two brands and if anybody is familiar with their characteristics and attributes and these two models especially I'd very much like to hear your thoughts and opinions.
Thanks for your help.
Coda has a pair of S250 on Ebay.... $28,000
These are the best amps that Coda has ever produced... Worth looking into.
Hy @roxy1927 

may I ask which one did you choose at the end? I've got a Pass XA30.8 but thinking about upgrading to the Aelius 2. Unfortunately I can't audit the Luxman m900u. Cheers.
 If I had the real estate (and money) I'd be getting the Bricasti M28 monoblocks. Best amps I've heard but unfortunately out of my price range. Many recording studios use these b/c they are so neutral, they let you hear the recording to their fullest. 
Setting aside the sound of the amps, if you want "For Life", then I'd tell any friend that it's an easy choice between:
one of the all-time stalwart companies of high end with vast resources, service network and probably a warehouse of all parts
a relatively new, tiny company located in one the world's least stable economies. 
For the long haul, don't buy without considering these factors in addition to the sonics. Cheers,