For Old Timers who experienced the "Golden Age" of Audio of the 60s and 70s.

Having traversed the long span of time and have known the love of Scott, Fisher Dynaco and McIntosh I have now settled into my "sweet spot" between a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls and Vintage Marantz 7 Preamp, DynacoST70 Amp,  Marantz 125 Tuner ,DUAL 1229 Changer and finally achieved "Musical Nirvana". How Sweet it Is!! Robinhood1940.

Please share your experiences!

Showing 2 responses by zavato

My experience is that vintage equipment varies a great deal. 

For the most part, 40 to 50 year old turntables are rarely competitive, but there are some exceptions. 40-50 year old arms are almost always not with the postage to mail it to you, and forget about most 40-50 year old cartridges, though I would still grab a Shure V15 Type 3 with a modern stylus. 

I would not touch a 40 -50 year old preamp, but I think there were some phenomenal tuners 40-50 years ago. Speakers? with incredibly rare exception, I would pass on anything 40-50 years old.

To sum it up, I'll take a 301, with a modern arm and cartridge, a vintage Mac amp, modern pre, a Mac MR71 tuner, and modern speakers
How about the early to mid 60's Radio Shack catalogs? Macintosh, AR, Scott, Gerrard, etc., were all in their at one tine or another. Hard to believe you could buy Macintosh electronics, AR speakers, and a Gerrard 301 all from Radio Shack. Far cry from the Realistic Mach One's of the 1970's