For Basis TT owners does the VPI SDS work?

I was wondering if anyone has used the VPI SDS power conditioner/speed regulator for their Basis turntable? The Basis Synchro thing is very expensive!

thanks for any input.


Showing 3 responses by fjn04

Samhar- Thanks for checking on it. My guess is that all Vectors that use the hard-wired proprietary cable use PSST silver.
I know this is off the subject, but a question for Samhar and/or fellow Basis owners. I noticed in Samhars system page,he refers to his tonearm cable as Basis copper. I believe my PSST cable on my Vector mk.3 is silver.
Is there an option for a copper cable instead of the silver cable. I suppose a call to Mr. Conti would be in order.

Thanks. I prefer copper cabling as well. This is going
to be tough to address for two reasons. A.J.'s PSST is
silver, so he will likely be insulted if I ask him to
change it to another brand. The second reason of course is
just having to send the arm in for the rewire.