For all you Bose 901 Haters!



Showing 1 response by rankaudio

Magnepan’s don’t image well either and they have an equal amount of sound firing from the rear. I’ve owned the .7’s and the 901 series V. I never found the 901’s to sound remotely as bad as others make out. Also, I’d bet if I blind tested many, they would fail miserably. But since they can’t get of their hifi high horse, they’ll always choose to hate them. Just so you know, I hate marketing more than anyone in this forum, I’ve said that in several of my own videos. Also, several fail miserably to admit that the video sounded absolutely fun and stunning to say the least with a pair of headsets. That video sounds as if a live band were playing in the room because the 901’s have a HUGE soundstage. 


Certainly videos can’t be used to judge sound accuracy, but from a “relative” point of view, this video is the best Ive heard and much better than any videos I’ve made. It amazes me that nearly every comment on that video was stunned and how fun it sounded, yet, so many just choose to ignore the fact that it’s a great video. Look at the gear the poster has. Doesn’t that tell you anything? Bias clouds judgement and you can’t hear imaging in any videos anyway so who cares.