For a quick good time, blankets...

and pillows.

Try them! On the floor, between the speakers and between them and your listening chair.

You may discover your speakers are capable of more than you thought.



Showing 2 responses by ptss

Bravo Erik.It's interesting the humorous (or is it humorless) comments made here, when in fact, you've provided a completely cost free method for "all" to learn how to improve the sound of their system regardless of the degree of refinement that have worked towards. With quiet time spent doing what you suggest massive improvements in clarity,detail,nuance,dynamics,soundstage and consequently musicality can be obtained.
Is it possible that those who makes jokes of your valuable (but cost free) insights have a vested financial interest? 
On the lighter side; sometimes I find a cozy pillow and blanket enhance my listening pleasure when used at my listening position. Cheers