Footers under my speakers double the perceived value of my speakers!

My first experience with putting footers under my speakers was with Tannoy Westminster Royals.
With some difficulty, I put Mapleshade heavy footers under them. I was amazed. These $20k speakers, all of a sudden, became $30+ speakers! These days, I am into Stillpoints. Same thing-even more. My $30k speakers now sound like $60k speakers. I mean the imaging, the definition, the bass and everything just sounds fantastically Improved. I just put on the Stillpoints yesterday. This morning I jumped out of bed early just to be able to turn on the stereo and be floored. BTW- my speakers are 200 lbs and the Stillpoints Minis are strong enough. Pretty cheap for such an improvement!

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Yes folks, vibration control is a thing. From back in the early 1990's people were trying all kinds of things, everything from tennis balls and phone books to bricks and boards, and noticing an effect on the sound. Not always good. When it was good though it could be really good. My first set of Black Diamond Racing Cones were so good I started carrying them around in my pocket trying them under everything. One time there was a $5k Sony CD player, and if you can remember $5k was a lot of money back in 1993. It seemed unlikely three $20 Cones would do anything, especially considering how built like a tank that Sony was. But no, it was amazing. Not some struggle to hear it might be a little better, no, this was like a whole component upgrade. 

Again, this was early 1990's. So the surprise is not that you're hearing a huge improvement. BDR was huge, and that was 30 years ago. Everything else has improved immensely in that time, it defies all reason to think vibration control would have not improved as well. What surprises me, again and again, is how many audiophiles are so out of date they still don't get it. 

Not you mglik, you got it as soon as you heard it. But these other ones. The ones with their heads in the sand. Sad. So very very sad.