Footers under my speakers double the perceived value of my speakers!

My first experience with putting footers under my speakers was with Tannoy Westminster Royals.
With some difficulty, I put Mapleshade heavy footers under them. I was amazed. These $20k speakers, all of a sudden, became $30+ speakers! These days, I am into Stillpoints. Same thing-even more. My $30k speakers now sound like $60k speakers. I mean the imaging, the definition, the bass and everything just sounds fantastically Improved. I just put on the Stillpoints yesterday. This morning I jumped out of bed early just to be able to turn on the stereo and be floored. BTW- my speakers are 200 lbs and the Stillpoints Minis are strong enough. Pretty cheap for such an improvement!

Showing 2 responses by mapman

No its not height it is floor interactions.  

I've used same speakers upstairs on suspended plywood and downstairs on solid foundation  (thin but dense carpet and pad).  Same height.   The same isolation under the speakers does nothing on the solid concrete foundation.
Fat or muddy bass obscures detail in the midrange which then also negatively affects imaging. Very common with suspended plywood floors. Isolation helps clean that up. I use Auralex Subdude iso pads under my floorstanders and the difference is much as heardthat describes.

Unfortunately isolation does not increase speaker value.  It just lets you hear more of the speakers and less of the floor.