Footers under big heavy speakers (Stillpoints Ultra 5, Sistrum rack, Finite Elements,..?)

Revisiting isolation and coupling for my main system, I wonder if I would try better coupling devices than the large Symposium Svelte shelves (19"x24") I currently have under my Duntech Sovereign 2001s with 21" w x 35" d wooden base, weighing 360lbs each, which in turn rests directly onto wooden floor. My room was pretty lively before the isolation/coupling and I need better coupling/draining of energy for the speakers. 

What would you suggest?

I could try four Stillpoints Ultra 5 with base under each speaker or what I hope to be at least equally good and more economically is a pair of Sistrum rack platform (using AudioPoints 1.5) that measures 22.75"x 26.75" (I don't think their standard speaker stands can provide enough balance). I could buy a Sistrum SP-4 rack and use two platforms for my speakers. This would be budget wise the same if I would buy two Apprentice SP-SA-XL-4-1.5 (18"x24") as I am looking for a new rack for my second system (Home Theater). 

Star Sound seems to be a very reputable company but earns less coverage than, e.g. Stillpoints. 

The third and probably least talked about solution would be Finite Elements Cerabase but I find less buzz here on the Gon.


Showing 3 responses by jazzonthehudson

Thanks for all your input!

Adding a wooden platform may not be a good solution on my suspended floor so I am still debating between converting the vibration into energy a la Stillpoints or Finite Elements or conducting them away fast a la Star Sound.

There may be a point to isolate the speakers as Tim and Geoff suggested. But I wonder what happens to the remaining kinetic energy stored if you isolate such a big mass like the Sovereigns?

In the meanwhile, I have bought a pair of Sistrum SP004 for my monoblocks (see my other thread about decoupling my mono blocks) that I can carefully try under the Sovereigns first to get a sample how it affects the sound.
I have Stillpoint Ultra SS under my DAC and could buy another set to try them for a couple days under the Sovereigns. If that works better than Sistrum’s approach, I will probably be heading towards Ultra 5 with base, hoping someone with deeper pockets is upgrading to the newer Ultra 6, putting the U5s for sale (wink here).
Has anyone compared the Finite Elements Cerabase with Stillpoints Ultra SS or Ultra 5? It may constitute a viable and less costly alternative. Ditto goes for the Black Diamond Racing Super Jumbo Pucks;  I like BDR for the excellent value/money.

Luckily I have less of a problem in my home theater where the lighter but not-so-featherweight like Duntech Black Knights (only 154lbs each) sit on Symposium Svelte shelves on the wooden floor which is directly on concrete (tight bass).
What a lively discussion and thanks for the additional suggestions! 

Re Herbie's Fat Gliders, I tried them before, pretty good but preferred the Symposium Svelte. 

Re  StillPoints and Townshend Audio Seismic Pods combo: I read your comments yesterday, just before you reposted your experience as I was searching the Gon using selected keywords.

Before I try those alternative solutions, I solicited input from Symposium and Star Sound, both recommend only direct coupling between the speaker platform and floor, draining away the energy/vibration. 

Peter of Symposium cautioned about adding footers: they can improve some aspects by disconnecting the return echo, but "putting platforms up on cones is not necessarily nor recommended on hard floors, because all you are doing is 1) elevating the speaker and creating a gap underneath, which reduces extreme bass response, and 2) reducing the energy drainage throughput capacity of the platform." So I could upgrade the Svelte to Svelte Plus under my speakers and maybe try Rollerblocks between the speaker platform and Svelte.

Robert of Star Sound made his point about coupling that increases the efficiency of any electronic device as it allows the component to vibrate but provides a fast drainage to the "ground". The fact that nearly all of the Sistrum platform users report a higher volume output with the same volume setting on the preamp/amp validates the assumption that the devices have become more efficient.  Robert suggests I should try the Apprentice SP-SA-XL-4-1.5 but could try a smaller platform in lieu as a test (which I intended to do anyway). 

On the other hand, the reports of Stillpoint Ultra 5 as footers seem to be uniformly very good, this is unfortunately the most expensive alternative.

For my Duntech Black Knights in my home theater setup with wooden floor on concrete, I have tried the following: BDR cones + pucks, Symposium Svelte shelves, and Star Sound Sistrum SP004. The BDR alternative is good (better than none) but also the least favored one, the Svelte shelves is a big step up with more clarity and better imaging. The Sistrum SP004, whilst sounding just a bit leaner than the Svelte, is a whole level better: much more liquid/faster, very precise imaging, separation of instruments is excellent.

The Sistrum platform provides an upgrade like replacing a great interconnect with an expensive one from High Fidelity Cables. 

I will try the Stillpoint Ultra SS.