Focal v Wilson

how would folks that have heard both compare a Focal Alto Utopia BE to a Wilson Watt/Puppy 7?



Showing 2 responses by james633

I have not hear those exact models but can compare those brands older models in that time frame.

Speaking generally the wilson has a bit more bass impact, as in the leading edge of drums hits. The focals are a touch more “round” in their bass tuning, strong but more defused with a touch less definition.

the highs on the older wilson’s are so so. They are using a focal tweeters and focal alway kept the best tweeters for themselves. I found the older wilson ok in the treble but I know a lot of people hate them.

I can’t speak to the mids. I have always thought both brands had good mids.


new wilson are much more refined on the top end but kept the bass slam. New focals have gotten a lot smoother with less of a “V” shape tuning and are more or less flat on axis.

I would try these new in the box Revel 328be. I have bought from this seller before. Not sure where you are located, these are in Michigan. The 328be is a near perfect speaker with almost no real flaw other than it lacks an exotic cabinet of much more expensive product. It is one of the best box speakers I have heard.