Focal v Wilson

how would folks that have heard both compare a Focal Alto Utopia BE to a Wilson Watt/Puppy 7?



Showing 2 responses by deep_333

@audioman58 even if you buy eight to $10,000 speakers that were originally 15 to 20, you have to understand that they are still going to need cables that cost about 15 to 20 grand to make them work right in your entire cable loom.

The biggest problem you have is your amplifier at the moment you need everything basically so you really need a budget that’s about triple to accomplish the sonic goals you’re looking for 1/3 on cables one on speakers and one on electronics

Really??? How did you decide on such a precise amount too? What made you such an expert on cable prices and the never ending miracle that comes out of them w.r.t price?

I suggest that, whatever you end up buying, buy cheap cables first. Really cheap. Like $50 tops. Don't buy expensive cables before you are reasonably happy with the rest of the system.

At that point AUDITION any cable you want, so long as you can return it for a full refund. See if it's worth the cost. In YOUR system. IMO, cables are the lowest bang for buck in the chain

+ 1000