Focal Sopra 2 v. Sonus Faber Amati Futura

I love both these speakers, but they have very distinct sounds. One is better in the upper frequencies but lacks mid-bass and bass. While the other is better in mid-bass and bass and has better holographic and a deeper soundstage.

In your experience which do you prefer and why?
   Their presentation / sound is just different - not better or worse in my humble opinion. I can enjoy both. You will be listening to them, so I would trust your take on them and go with it - that's the only important thing - that YOU got to like them.

Let your ears be the final judge if you ask me...
For about 10 years I owned 2 pair of speakers. 1 pair was loud and dynamic, put the drum kit right in the room and were my rock speakers. I had another pair that were better at resolving the finer details at the expense of slam and maximum spl. I swapped them in and out for those 10 years until I had what I thought was enough money to buy A single pair that could provide what I liked best about both speakers...Good luck