Focal Scala Utopia vs Wilson Sasha?


Just wondering if anyone has directly compared the Focal Scala to the Wilson Sasha? I have recently auditioned the Focal Scala a couple of times and whilst at first I was not quite satisfied , upon a second and more thorough listening I must say, I am seduced. Problem is, I have also loved Wilson speakers but, living in Australia- no one is getting the Sashas for another 2-3 months. Any suggestions?? Do I go with the Scalas now, or wait to audition the Wilson Sashas? Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks.
Listened to Scala yesterday. But only 50hrs use. Was not near the level we experienced previously. Sound lacked focus and background not very quiet.

For Scala owners, did you experience this during break in?

Setup was:

Accuphase sacd player
Accuphase pre amp
Accuphase mono blocs (150w)
Nordost interconnects and SC
what I heard from some fellow audiophiles is there is a synergy between Focal and Accuphase. However, Together with nordost cables,(if it is a all valhalla)some might expect different sound.
As far as my setup concerned, I am not sure if it is burnt or not. But still I have been waiting for a few cables where will critic effect likely occur.(PAD Anniversary interconnect and PAD P.P. powercord. Even, there may take speaker cable change. Sometimes I think also change the poweramp but first I have settle the cable thing.It is between you and me, I also consider Accuphase M-6000 mono amps, Esoteric own class a amp, or maybe just Accuphase P-7100. We will see. But I am sure in a few weeks or days, I will see Focal Scalas full potential, I bet....
I agree also that Focal and Accuphase has a nice synergy to them. Add Purist cabling to that system and it will be very heavenly.

Went back again yesterday after 2 weeks burn in. Set up identical - accuphase sacd player with accuphase pre amp and monoblocs (I think 160W). Took same discs. A colleague also joined us.

Once again I was disappointed. Wife and friend didn't like it much either. Voice was certainly good and probably better than my home set up but fell far short of what I remember these speakers were capable of. Highs were also splendid. But bass was pedestrian, inarticulate.

We suspect something wrong elsewhere - cables or amps or both or room.

Will give these speakers one last go in 2 weeks. They will set Scala in a different room with BAT monoblocs. I hope to rediscover the sound that mesmerized 7 months ago, at that time with reference Chord electronics.
Kw your diferencies on listneing the same model but diferent pair is quite diferent (too much for speaker as a system component I think) I assume you used the same jumper position? I would not consider Scala very hard to set up or critical to position placement.unless there is some BIG problems with room acoustic maybe something wrong with speakers technicaly? sometimes it just happens on assembling stage. anomality can be small enought to notice in general but big enought to spoil speaker abilities.
The problem is not the speakers, or room acustics. The Problem is the combination of the dealer has set for you.
Avoid all Accuphase setup, plus Chord electronics which is a nice partner for KEF speakers but not for Focal.
Try a solid state like Krell, Ayre, Halcro, Pass. Combine with any universaly accepted a good preamp. For example, Krell will work good with Audio Research Ref preamps. For digital you may depend on dCS as I do.
I would not choose components from same brand, having used all together.
(some people argue that Focal Scala with Naim electronics yields very interesting results sonicaly)
I just sold my Dunlavy SC IV's and ordered the Focal Scalas. Meanwhile, I've borrowed a pair of Ktemas, Franco Serblin's new floorstanders. I miss the big sound of the Dunlavy's. I hope the Scalas don't disappoint. I wanted a speaker with modern driver technology, but so far I kind of miss the big SC IV's. Am I crazy?
I know I'm very late to this party/thread, but have to jump in.  I appreciate everyone's efforts in trying to explain their different experiences and opinions with these two great speakers. It has helped me. 
I just sold my Sashas (had them for ~18 months), and picked up some Scala (v1) here on A'gon.  
If anyone is still interested, I'll share my thoughts when I get the Scalas.
Initially, I'll be powering with ARC (ref 3 to ref 75, non SE)
14x21x10(h) dedicated room. Transparent Ultra cables, Lumin T1 source.
I'm interested to see how the Ref 75 does.  It couldn't quite control the Sasha's splashy highs.  I did have a 150SE, which did better across most qualities than the 75, but lost a little charm and warmth. 
Let's see how it does with the Scalas. 
What do you use to for powering your Scalas?