Focal Kanta 2 vs Revel F228Be

Regretfully there is not a Focal dealer in my area to compare it to Revel F228Be, which I've listened to. My system consists of Luxman M900u amp, C900u preamp, Luxman D-06u digital, and Clearaudio Ovation turntable. Room is 13'x15'x8'. I listen to all types of music.

I would appreciate comments from anyone who has had an opportunity to compare them both. I am not limiting my self to the two, but this would help to narrow my choices. I am in a market to replace my 1996 B&W 802 Matrix. Thank you.

Showing 1 response by jmarshak

I am on the same track with @kw6 . I’ve auditioned both the Kanta 2 and F228Be in the past. They are both nice (don’t get me wrong). But I think your awesome electronics can command higher fidelity speakers.  Focal Scala, come to mind for your room. Yep, I can understand if cost is an issue.