kosst, Thanks for the advice/suggestions. Yes, the 936s sounded great with the M32. I know the speakers are really sensitive, and don't need much to drive them, but I've read that, while they drive easily, it take a lot of juice to get the BEST from them. True? As for unboxing, I'm mush too old and short to handle the 936s myself, so I've got a friend lined up to help. The set I listed to locally yesterday had only about 30 hours on them, and they sounded great. I've kept the boxes from my present two (bedroom and living room) speakers, and it does making moving easier (and safer). I'm looking forward to having them.
Speaking of "mush", did you hear about the dog sledder who got a speeding ticket, because he was going mush too fast. :-)
Speaking of "mush", did you hear about the dog sledder who got a speeding ticket, because he was going mush too fast. :-)