Focal Aria 926 with Rotel integrated?

Curious if anyone has used Rotel gear with Focal Aria 926s? My current set up is a Rotel RA-1570 driving B&W CM6 (s1 towers which I’ve owned for nearly 15 years). The upgrade bug hit me when my local shop became a Focal dealer a few months ago. I was able to listen the Aria 948s powered by a PrimaLuna integrated which had a wonderful sound. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to hear them with Rotel gear which is why I’m wondering if anyone here has done so. I’m specifically interested in the 926 because of my room size (~230 s/f).

I realize that the sound with Rotel will be subpar when compared to PrimaLuna, but it’s what I currently have to work with. I’m looking for user feedback as to how well the Rotel will work with the Focals from anyone who tried the combo. 
rotel is relatively lean thin sounding solid state, diametric opposite of primaluna lush rolled off tube sonics
It probably won't be as sweet as it was with the PrimaLuna but it's worth a try.