FMJ CD 23 vs Rega Jupiter

Has any one auditioned these two players a/b?
The FMJ has better tonality and smoothness, but can't keep a beat.
The Rega dances to beat the band, but I don't remember much else, and thus can't further comment.
Take 'em home and demo! Good luck.
I don't have a FMJ,but I do own a DIVA CD-72 . I have also owned a Alpha 7 Cd Player when it was new. The sound is great,and it has become a favorite of mine,but, the uprgrade offered buy Arcam would cost $1000.00 or so. Why would you do that when you could get an MSB LINK DAC-3 for about $400.00 new. (maybe cheaper if you looked around on the web). As far as the Rega, I have a friend who owned one for a while,but he too eventually went the way of sepearate digital stuff.
I have recently A/B'd these players and in my opinion, there was no real contest. The Rega Jupiter won hands down. I found the FMJ 23 bright and uninviting. On the other hand the Rega was warm, inviting and quite detailed without being "etched." As a result of the "contest" I will be purchasing the Jupiter. Of course, your taste may vary, and you may indeed, prefer the FMJ. It happens like that sometimes.
For what it's worth,the Arcam FMJ CD 23 has been revamped with a new transport and new electrics,according to What Hi-fi,it sounds better.
It's now called the FMJ CD 23T.
