Florida Audio Expo 2020 - What did you think?
I probably only saw half the rooms, nevertheless, here are just a few of my takeaways:
a. tons of vinyl....probably 80% of the rooms
b. almost all the rooms sounded good...but...way too loud....probably 80% of the rooms at over 90db...probably trying to drown out the people talking in the background instead of stepping outside???
c. not enough "affordable" gear, really liked
the Fyne 502 loudspeakers at $2500
d. lots of good sounding speakers in the $5-10k range...the Pure Audio Projects sounded really good...and only 3' out from the wall
e. of course the MBLs sound good...but man, those Vaughn Speakers with
the 4" line array and plasma tweeter...really nice sounding
f. as were the Daedalus Apollos, very musical...and the Carver Amazing Line Source, very spacial
great people willing to spend time with you
h. hard to really comment on the sound of the electronics...just no way to compare...so, if I like the sound of a room, then I had to assume that the room, speakers and electronics played well together!
i. and then there is the VAC Statement 450iq integrated amp for $150k...what else can I say
j. very enjoyable...should have budgeted two day