Florida A'goners Bolt yer system down

Hey Folks!

Just wanted to take a minute to wish you all luck and to be very careful for the next couple days. This weather is already wrecking havoc with the telecommunications sector!

Stay low! Keep your first aid kits handy! And play some "Riders on the Storm" from the doors to pass the time!

Take care! And remember, Your stereo can be replaced! YOUR LIFE CANNOT! Lets make sure all of our floridian friends are still here come Monday!

Good Luck! Our thoughts and prayers are with you all!

Showing 5 responses by raytheprinter

bradenton fla.,,, i keep saying to myself, "i should have bought that insurance,i should have bought that insurance" im going to put on the red hot chilli peppers doing "higher ground"then unplug system and put everything as high as i can and hope for the best!good luck to all fellow floridians,,,,
its 10:30 pm and my electricity just came back on,lots of rain and wind, but not to bad here in bradenton,best of luck to those less fortunate,,,
1:30 pm the wind is picking up and a little rain,,im on the west coast bradenton,,so it will be a while before it gets worse,,best of luck to those on the east coast!!