It kind of depends on the flavor of sound you are looking for. There are those more on the analytical side and others that are not. Also, are you looking to stay with a box type of speaker or open baffle design. I listened to about 12 different speakers before I decided to buy the Vienna Accoutics Liszt model (including some of the manufactures mentioned). I don't need a sub since the speaker goes down to 28 hz. I listened to older Magicos, Wilson, B&W, Rockport, Vandersteen etc. My room size is very similar to yours and they are worth a listen.
Floorstanding speaker experiences/recommendations in the $12-25k range
I realize there are thousands of options, but I'm looking for strong personal experiences/recommendations for floor-standing speakers in the $12-25k range. I currently have Dynaudio Heritage Special stand-mounts. They really are a great speaker in many ways, but full-range they are not. There's an obvious missing element to the music in the <45Hz range. I listen to 95% vinyl, 5% CD (I stream off a Bluesound very occasionally to get ideas for albums to purchase). My system is comprised of a Rega P10 with Hana umami red cart, Modwright PH150 reference phono stage, Oppo 205 disk player all into an Octave V80SE integrated amp with super black box.
My current "leaders" for speakers are Qln Prestige 5 and Devore Gibbon X based on what I've heard, but have liked the Wilson Sabrina Xs and have heard great things about the newer Borresen X3s. Any experiences/recommendations welcome.