Flavor Of the Month

I've recently seen the phrase "flavor of the month" used to put down a component. While it clearly implies that the subject product doesn't have staying power or won't deliver long term satisfaction, it's my observation that a component has to be pretty darn good to attain FOTM status. Sure there's an element of hype, but internet forums such as this one are excellent at separating the real deals from the pretenders. Can anyone name a component that was the Flavor Of the Month that turned out to be a turkey?

Showing 1 response by ohlala

Flavor of the month usually pertains to good sounding, quality products. But the quality gets snowballed in to a belief that everything sonic will be better as long as I have this thing, bypassing the component-matching area of the audiophile brain. Its all just Western consumerism overriding one's coolness. I love the way the flavor pushes down the used cost of components that the flavor is replacing. I just bought a mint $3k CDP for $1075 b/c the v.2 came out. I like the phenomenon.