flabbergasted with reviews on speakers

I read speaker reviews  as i think they are the personal end of the signal i hear alibiet the source what i think is most important. They are terrible.They give no room size they are listening in.treated or not and what room size they recommend is important. sguare foot please.Ihave purchased speakers to big for my room and now buy down a size from what they say.They audition speakers that from my videos on you tube are placed stacked  against there racks or pushed against wall and cluttered amongs other stereo equipment in a small room i get it .i have been to persons small farm house that had an infiniti stack with 334 levinson monoblocks who bought this on review this was in a 10 x 12 bedroom and was a respected audiogoner! I think we are oversold in this hobby i miss dealers but they have not heard it all review suck look at there rooms they are pathetic.Are speaker sensitivity real or is it to sell more expensive amps.If  first watt is most important why isnt 50 watt tbr  amp enough for an 87 db speaker.


Showing 1 response by tsushima1

“ Speaker sensitivity is real. My Moabs are so sensitive if someone even hints they aren't the best speaker ever I go into a deep inconsolable sulk for the rest of the day. “