Five feet from the front wall

Just what does "X" feet from the front wall mean? Is this from the front of the speaker or the back of the speaker?






Showing 2 responses by ozzy

When using Planar speakers there are so many variables. Just check out my posting in the members review section. "Clarisys Minute Review".


Well with my Clarisys Minutes (Planars, Ribbons), I have found 5 feet from the front wall with some diffusors behind them to be ideal. No absorbers nearby. I do however have acoustical tile over the drywall ceiling and carpeting on the floor.

The distance between them also matters. Too far apart and you lose the center image and some treble. In my 17W X 25L x 8H foot room I have found about 8.5 feet from the center panels to be about right.
