First Streamer...


I'm planning to buy my first streamer.

Honestly, I have no idea which brand of streamer to purchase and would welcome suggestions.

I'd like to use my android phone to select material which will be played through a Audio Research VSi60 amp and homemade Zaph Audio ZRT Revelator speakers.   My CD player ( a Rega Saturn) has  a DAC which could be used for streaming.

Any suggestions?   

I'm looking to stream TIDAL using Verizon's Fios service  and spend under $2000.




Showing 1 response by spatialking

I am using two different approaches to streaming.   First, I have a BlueSound Node that I use for streaming most everything.   It also acts as a Roon endpoint, so I can stream from Roon.  I use a BlueSound Vault 2 to convert my entire CD library to WAV files and then use Roon to manage them when I stream my CD's.  My CD player is obsolete in a sense, I just use the Vault 2 to convert them to WAV, files and play them from Roon.   I still buy CD's though, along with digital downloads.   Everything can be controlled from my Android phone.   Do make sure what you buy specifies Android.   Some streamers out there work only with Apple phones.