First impressions of the Isoacoustic Gaia 1’s

On my KEF Reference 5’s.

While I normally hear little to no change with “Tweaks”, I installed them Saturday evening and found immediate spatial differences. Just about every album sounded more open. I told my wife, who helped me install the Gaia’s,  that if I wasn’t wowed, I’d send them back.

The room has wall to wall carpet and pad on the floor and when  I first received the Reference 5’s, they sounded flat. I put small hardwood flooring samples under them and it helped a little.  I then put a small slab of granite under each of them and they became much nicer to listen to. I was quite surprised at the change. 
The Gaia 1’s are sitting on the granite as well and so far, I’m very happy. 

It’s only been a few days, but I’m pretty sure they are “hear” to stay.

Anyone else have similar experience’s with speaker. Isolation?



Showing 7 responses by ozzy


I am just stating my ACTUAL experience since I own both the Gaias and the Townshends. No plugs just trying to share information.


I had the Gaia 1’s under my Sopra 2 speakers and was quite impressed with them. Then one of threads talked about the Townshend podiums. I contacted them via email (in England) and they responded the next day.

I ordered them and once installed I couldn’t believe the improvement in sound staging, frequency response, etc. And, I thought the Gaia’s were good! I was sold on them.

BTW, when I removed the Sopra’s spikes they sat perfectly on the podiums and in my opinion didn’t raise them anymore than they were with the spikes installed. For sure they were shorter than with the Gaia’ 1’s. And you can adjust the height, rake etc.

I ended up installing the Gaia’s under my JL F-113 subs.


Now this is just my opinion, but I think part of the Podiums effectiveness is due to the fact they they are connected to a very stable and rigid steel platform. They work together as one unit.

I don't think the pods by themselves would be as effective. Again, just my opinion.



The only reason I would remove your metal plate is because you said it has bumps on it from where the spikes are to go. That could be a problem with stability.

So, if it is easy to remove I would.

BTW, once the podiums are installed, it will probably scare you a bit as to how much they can wobble. One time I leaned against them while adjust some cabling and when they wobbled I thought they were going to tip so I let go causing me to loose balance, I fell to the floor and crushed a couple KT 120 tubes in my mono blocks on the way down. I’m not saying the podiums make them unstable, just be aware.



After reviewing your speakers, I do think that the Gaia’s would work better. The design is such that the outriggers support the speakers.
