First impression: Herron VTPH-2A phono preamp

I got my VTPH-2A this morning and it's up and running. After about five hours of spinning vinyl, I'm pretty sure I've wet myself, MULTIPLE TIMES! I've primarily played vinyl that I've had for decades, music that I thought I was intimately familiar with. I was wrong. There's nuance I never knew existed. Everything about the VTPH-2A is "right". The bass is tight, vocals superb, instruments have places, etc.  All that I've listened to sounds new and fresh and the most masterfully recorded vinyl sounds live. What I've read about on this forum concerning the VTPH-2A (pretty much all stellar) is true. I've had five different phono preamps and nothing can compete with this, NOTHING. It's a bad ass and definitely a keeper.

Showing 1 response by soix

@dweller -- a while back there was a thread on the Chinook, and I distinctly remember more than one responder saying the Allnic H1201 and Herron VTPH (sorry, can't remember version) were significantly preferred in comparison.  Not surprisingly, there was praise for the Steelhead although obviously at a higher price point.  Just dusting off some synapses here and sorry for the sidetrack, but hope it helps.