First CD player help!

Hi everyone,

I am going to the darkside....

But only in my bedroom :) 

I am a turntable enthusiast. It's been my only source for many years but I recently setup a turntable in my bedroom system and honestly do not enjoy having to get out of bed to flip the record and because I'm not actively listening I feel I'm not getting everything from the listening experience I would in front of my main. 

I know all about streaming and love it but only for when I'm on the subway, my car, running around etc. When given all of the world's music my ADD head wants to move onto the next artist, album or song, before whats playing even finishes.  I miss selecting a piece of physical media, putting it on and letting it play. 

So that got me thinking about CDs. 

I'm a young(ish) guy, 30 and got into music around the same time the first MP3 players hit the market so never really got into CDs. I recently purchased a guy's entire CD collection (400plus) and am now trying to figure out a decent CD player to add to my bedroom system and possibly down the road another for my main rig. 

My bedroom setup is tube based. Rogue RP1 pre, Rogue ST-80 amp, Vandersteen 3Asig speakers. And one of those cheap Schiit Dacs.

I think I'd rather go CD player vs transport at this time. And would like to spend around $500 (either new or used works for me).

Thanks in advance for any advice.






Showing 2 responses by coralkong

In the $500 price range, I think your choice of players is going to limited.

If you want continual music, I’d second a changer. You can pick up a 2nd hand Sony ES changer from the 90’s for dirt cheap. Onkyo (and probably a few others) still make a changer in your price range.

If you want a single player (and you prefer new), honestly I’d suggest Yamaha or Denon. They just seem to last longer than some of the other brand names out there. Crutchfield (or wherever) has several in your price range.

If your price range goes up, I’d have some other suggestions, but as it sits there are my recommendations.

Check out the Emotiva ERC-4 CDP with a DAC solidly built around $600

I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with that one. Non gapless playback and all. Without getting into a pissing contest about it, I returned that one. With vigor.

Just get a decent player for a couple of hundred bucks and let her rip.If you find you're into the format, or you like it, then start talking good, boutique type players.

Boutique players (for me, anyway) have always proven to be "finnicky", or down-right problematic. 

You're starting out, get a decent brand name with a warranty, and a rock solid recommendation. 


I've owned dozens of different players over the years. Some are better designed than others. But, in that price range, you'll be OK to get started.