Firewire DACs?

I know these are allegedly fairly common - so I have read - within the professional recording industry. Are there any consumer (normal ole Joe's like me) Firewire-based DACs?
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Showing 3 responses by cerrot

Just get a firewire to spdif converter and you can get any dac you want. No limitations.

You have a great looking room, there. I haven't heard all of the USB Dacs, but I have heard many. I have also done extensive research with the USB protocal since, well, the beginning. I fault its inherent limitations, specifically it's transmission method and taxing of the cpu. I have not yet heard the Tranquility yet. It has gotten rave reviews and was also a best of show at RMAF. I am certain it sounds excellent in your system. I am at a point where I have just abandoned the interface. Perhaps if I ever hear this dac, I will change my mind. The best USB DAC I have heard so far is the Ayre, which I thought sounded thin, not too great in the dynamics and just didn't bring the emotion home. Again, I fault the protocal, not the hardware. Enjoy your beautiful system.