"I sat there listening to the monotonous stacatto of rain on my desk top and reading my name on the glass of my office door: "regnaD kciN". My secretary lay snoring on the floor, her long, beautiful gams pinioned under the couch. I didn't hear him enter, but my nostrils flared at the smell of his perfume - Pyramid Patchouli! There was only one joker in L.A sensitive enough to wear that stuff, and I had to find out who he was..."
"Why does the Porridge bird lay its eggs in the air?"
"Defoliating a victory garden sure does work up an appetite."
"I'd like to order a pizza to go with no anchovies."
"A couple of Theosophists down at the end of the bar were raisin' the Devil. Had him about three feet off the ground when I walked in."
"Antelope Freeway, one hundred and twenty-eighth of a mile."
"Welcome to the future, where Robot's Rules of Order do not apply."
Whoops, sorry about that. Oddly enough, Firesign riffs are about all I remember of the years from 1969 to 72. Wonderful lateral thinking and tangential humour - really satisfied the brain munchies :-)