Finally Settled on a Preamp—Don Sachs Model 2 Custom Linestage

I took delivery a couple months ago of Don Sachs’s Model 2 6SN7 custom line stage preamp. It’s his latest iteration with an OLED display and 64 step Khozmo attenuator with input relay switching. There are no channel level attenuators. I had Don put in WE6SN7 tubes, and a pair of Mindoro 2.2 uF silver oil capacitors on the second output for flexibility with a possible SS amp in the future. The pre is simply marvelous. I have tried quite a number of preamps in the last few years. Some of you might remember my original post on the topic: Don’s pre beats everything I’ve tried. I’m not an audiophile reviewer by any means, but to my ear, it has an enormous soundstage, and is extremely detailed, extended, and dynamic. Sometimes I leave my living room and it just sounds like there are musicians playing in the other room. The level of detail at times can almost be startling. 

I paired it with Don’s Kootenay 120 KT88 power amplifier, which I purchased from another Audiogon member. The amp now has Don’s latest caps and WEKT88 tubes. Both pieces have a synergy that creates a very musical sound that I can listen to for hours without fatigue with my ProAc Response Two S speakers.

Some praise for the man is in order. Don is very responsive and has gone out of his way to help me with related and completely unrelated projects to get my system sounding the best it ever has. He’s a nice, genuine guy to boot.

I’d upload some photographs of my system and Don’s pre and amp, but it appears that I can’t do that on a forum post; someone please correct me if I’m wrong.




Showing 2 responses by cal3713

@robert1234 It would be nice if you could list the other preamps you've tried here in this thread for ease of reference... most readers will be curious.  Thanks and glad you're loving the pre.  I love mine too.
I liked a pair of Sylvania vt-231 brown bases in mine, and my favorite were rca vt-231 Grey glasses. Agreed that they produce a lot more 3-dimensionality than the stock tubes.