Finally bought a new Turntable!

Hello All,
Well I done did it now, I bought myself a new Turntable.
After much research and talking back and forth on forums, looking at various models, I finally decided on a Mofi Studiodeck with the Hana SL MC Cartridge.
I bought it from a local Hi-Fi shop that gave me a 10% discount on the table and a 15% discount on the cart.
I have only had about a week so far and have not had a chance to play a much music yet. Just a few tracks here and there.
This does bring me to a question that I have for the community.

After initially playing a few tracks, I felt I had to turn up the volume a bit more compared to b4 when playing the same tracks on my Denon DP-300f, which seemed to have a bigger impact at lower volumes.

I had the shop configure my Phono Pre-Amp (Sim Audio 110lp V2) and the gain was set to 60db.

I set it to 66db and RIAA Curve. I think that improved the sound a bit more.
But what I want to know, for the particular cart that I have on the table, what are the other recommended settings?
I know the manufacturer have their suggested settings and ultimately, I probably have to try different settings and play a lot of music until I feel I have found the sweet spot but wanted to ask you all if you have any suggestions or opinions.
One other very specific question that I have is, Does making changes to the phono pre-amp have any negative effects on the system? Meaning, could I potentially do any harm to the system?
I appreciate any feedback.

Showing 5 responses by millercarbon

Yes, that is my term for freebie patch cords....Basic Interconnects (is that so bad)

Yes. The horror. Patch cords are bad. And to quote the great philosopher Huey Lewis, "Cool is the rule, but sometimes bad is bad." With patch cords, bad is bad. Have you not read my posts? I’ve only told the story three times at least. Not about to repeat it again so soon.

So here’s what you do. You have to replace all your freebie plastic patch cords and rubber power cords. Between your table, cartridge and phono stage you’ve got a $2500 analog front end. That is crying out for a worthy interconnect.

On that note this is your lucky day! Check this out! You get this and I personally guarantee you will be astounded at the transformation. This was their best interconnect back in the day. I heard it back in the day. I had the one just down from this in my system as recently as last year. Best of all this one uses Active Shielding. This is awesome because the wall wart power supply can be modded by Michael Spallone for peanuts and as good as it will sound when you get it- and it will be beyond good!- it will be a whole lot better when he upgrades the diodes and cap in the MPC. But again, even if you do nothing and use it as its being offered for sale right now you will be one very happy camper.

Seriously. Designers Reference! $375! This is a total no-brainer! This is not me being witty or kidding or anything. This is me being dead serious. Do not let this one get away!
Even better- just realized I bought SR interconnect from this same seller. Even more highly recommended now!
Just basic interconnects at the moment.
Perhaps with my system, no matter what TT I get, they will all sound similar.

With "just basic interconnects" then yes, they will all sound similar. Please don't tell me "just basic interconnects" is your term for the freebie patch cords manufacturers still throw in the box along with their equally worthless rubber power cords? That's not a question. If that's what it is I really don't want to know.

Listen to chakster and mijostyn, especially about experimenting with impedance loading. Your comment about needing to turn it up to get the same impact at lower volume could well be due to loading. With high impedance loading of 47k for example the sound from a MC is fast dynamic and extended. With some maybe even a little too fast and extended. When that is the case we "load" it with a lower impedance, down into the hundreds or even tens of ohms. There is no right or wrong, its really one of the many fine and wonderful (if a bit mysterious) ways we have of tailoring and fine tuning analog playback.
Keep in mind the volume dial, particularly the number its pointed at, is the least significant thing in all of audio. All you need is enough gain to reach your loudest level. If you can do that then whether you're at 6 or Spinal Tap 11 makes no difference. It would however be pretty cool to have a volume that went to 11.