Fi Elemente Pagode Master Ref amp platforms

Anyone had any expirience with them ? I'm thinking about getting the Pagode Master Reference HD09 to put under my amps.

I have read many rave reviews about Pagode Reference racks and personally use the Finite Elemente Cerapuc under my amps (with great results).

They look cool, too.

Showing 2 responses by elberoth2

I was considering the SRA stands when I was looking for a stand for my Lamm M1.2 monos. The problem for me with that stand was that they are component specific - i.e. every time you sell your amp you should get the new ones.

Eventually, I sold my Lamm monos before I pulled the trigger. So in a way, from todays perspective, I 'm glad I didn't get them since I would have to sell them as well.

The Pagode stands aren't component specific which would suit my ever evolving system better, and at 1000$ a piece are much cheaper as well.

BTW Hooper - can you descride the diferences you have heard between those two stands ?

Jfrech - I'm considering getting the rack as well, but I wanted to start with the amp stands first.
Jfrech -> I already have Cerapucks under my amps. The improvement they brought to my system was simply stunning. I could not belive the difference when I first put them in. They brouhgt the levels of microdynamics and resoultion I have never thought possible from my amps. Clearly, that "mechanical grounding" concept works.

That beeing said, I have also tried them under my BAT, Klyne and Placette preamps but haven't noticed the same levels of improvement. So they may be component (amp/pre/cd) or product dependent.

I also have two sets of Ceraballs. I first put them under my amps (before I got the Cerapucs) and they brought similar improvement, although after spending a couple of days with them I have noticed that they also made the sound a little bit thiner in the lower midrange. I replaced them with Cerapucks, which seem not to have that adverse effect.

But I have found another usage for Ceraballs - I put them under my speaker cables. Yes, that is true - however crazy it may sound.

I wasn't expecting ANYTHING, just put them out of curiosity 'cos they were laying around, and again - their effect just amazed me. More resolution, HF air, microdynamics. The effect was greater than changing a power cord. I'm totally at a loss how to explain it. I should also note that my speaker cables are so stiff, that placing 4 Ceraballs lifts the whole cable from the ground. Not shure how it would work with more flexible speaker cables.