Feelings on Napster?

Hi, Since this is in part a forum about music, I'll put this statement and question on the table. In the past few months, I've begun to use Napster online. I'll look through the forum for reccomendations on good albums and tracks, then I'll download it on Napster, take a listen and, if I like it, purchase the album. My opinion is that Napster is really opening up accessibility to music for alot of people, allowing them to try new things that before they wouldn't have access to or simply wouldn't be prepared to invest in. It's helped expand my own horizons I know and I think it's good for music overall. Any opinions?
For me it's simple. Giving away what you don't own is theft! It is antithetical to America and precisely why the USSR isn't around any more. Napster stole the essential property rights of others in order to "gain" for themselves. Whether they "gained" directly in cash, indirectly in business, or psychologically through ego gratification the real looser(victim) is and was the writer, producer, artist and middlemen whose livelihoods are based on the production, sale and use of the music.

Esoteric dissertations as to conventions of use in tapes and cds are interesting. However, to me, unless the original is paid for...IT'S THEFT! I like paying for what I get and I like others to do it also. I like my children to do it as well. It's simple, clean and satisfying.
To me there is no analogy to demo listening in music shops, where the music is for sale and the demo a licensed copy.

I am reminded about a conversation I had with the head actuary for IRS about twenty years ago when he said, " I have heard lots of rational discourses of illogical premises."

It was true then. It's true now.
i have no morals but come on, it's stealing. it doesn't matter if it helps the record industry or not.
New Kid on the block.. "RAPIGATOR" More Controversy to come, I thinks? If you haven't moved over or had a look at Rapigator yet... Take a look!
I'm sorry to all those who feel the opposite of me. Let me start by saying. I've been in the USAF for 14 yrs as a Military Police Officer the last thing I stole was when I was 9 yrs old(it was a wallet) and mother caught me and made me return it. I believe everyone is intittled to their own opinion and I believe in the freedom of this country and what it brings to all of us. We do not always do what's right, some more than others. I will go to war for this country and have whether right or wrong with no questions asked. My wife is also in the USAF and we are very republican. Now back to the tread. Yes in away it is wrong for napster to do what they are doing, but also in a different way people are sharing with people what they already own. Kind of what I do with my pay check after taxes are taken out, I spend some cash and get taxed again. I have used napster to listen to music and recorded a cd, but did not feel it was of audiophile quality. Now when someone suggust something I might like I go to napster and listen, if I like it I go to store down the road and the gentleman who owns the store finds or orders me a audiophile copy. Did I steal. I don't feel I have, I just had a listen to see if I liked before I bought. I already own about 500 cds and only about 100 cds I really like. I don't need to waste my money on something I'm not sure if I like or not. My friend comes over, I rent a dvd and he watches it with me should I charge him to watch it? No, but if he likes it he will go out and purchase it. I now if I like it enough I will buy it myself to ad to my dvd collection, I wonder if anyone will give me credit on the rental since I decided to buy it, so the movie industry made over on me twice, o'well. My friend lets me borrowed a music cd, I listen to it and if I like it I buy it, should I have been charged for the borrow. I do agree that some people copy from napster with the intention of copying and never buying and I feel that is wrong. To any that are not happy living in this country I protect with my life everyday, YOU CAN LEAVE. If you feel it is better else where than go. Life is what you make of it and whatever makes you happy as long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else rights, then enjoy yourself. If you think its better else where then go, I've had the opportunity to travel around the world and I am just happy to be an American.