FedEx, and HELL VTL to the rescue

Well, about a month and a half ago I sold a pair of VTL monoblocks to a gentleman in Canada. A real nice guy. They left on the 19th of August and one amp arrived and the other just disappeared.

The buyer, being an understanding and patient guy agreed that we should wait it out for a bit. I called FedEx almost daily and got the same BS response - "We don't know", "Maybe you should just file a claim".

After dealing with FedEx for as many years as I have, I know that things do not just disappear. This past Friday, I made my usual daily call to FedEx and spoke with a very smart women. She asked "Was there a manufacturers name on the box?". I told her the VTL logo was on the box. Clever as she was, she checked the shipping records out of Portland to VTL in Chino, California and found that on the 27th of August, VTL received a shipment of the same weight. We then called VTL and spoke with Bea.

Bea is marvelous and was genuinely helpful and concerned. She asked for the serial number of the amplifier and verified that the amplifier was received by their shipping department on that very day. Of course VTL had no idea what the amp was doing there since there was no RA or label.

What we speculate happened was the boxes were loaded on top of each other and the top one when it was being pulled off, must have removed the shipping label from the lower box. FedEx had no idea where it was to go, so they returned it to VTL, who they thought was the shipper.

My applauds and thanks to Bea at VTL for being so kind and helping with this situation.

Showing 1 response by gaudio_eek

Jtinn, thanks for sharing the story. Now we can all remember this as another possibility when dealing with Fedex. I agree with Mattybumpkin, thanks should also go the Fedex woman. How about 2 nice boxes of chocolate to the ladies? That would set precedence for the future. Fedex will still be around and some of us will continue having to deal with them.