Fed rate increase = lower hifi prices?

Will the recent rate hike meant to slow down the economy result in lower hifi prices?  Seems everything shot up during Covid. Will we now see some relief?


Showing 9 responses by nonoise

@soix ,

You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, hearing from you was educational and sobering.

All the best,

Some here sound like they're boning up on economics by reading anything they can and regurgitating talking points so as to sound relevant and further a conversation that's going to go nowhere. For all the goldbugs out there, if and when it starts to get really bad, how finely does one have to grind up the gold and how do you season it to make it palatable?

All the best,

The stock market passed 30K in November, breaking the record. Right now it's at 32,899.37. So it's gone down a little bit.😱 Don't get your panties in a bunch as we're still doing pretty good by all standards, unless you want to cherry pick stuff to discredit some faction or group.

Also, look at bond market forecasts. Everyone from investors to public predictions say it's gonna be rough for maybe a year but from 2-5 years out, it's gonna be just fine, thank you. The sky is not falling. That, and thanks @soix for your sane perspective. And, you too @ghasley .

All the best,

Hedge funds have been buying up as much housing as they can since 2008, greatly restricting supply. They pay cash, then sit on it, sometimes rent it, and when prices soar, they sell. A lot of this pain was avoidable but hey, freedumb.

All the best,

I posted this under another thread but 8 years ago my integrated cost $2500. The one I have now is much better, does more things, and only cost me $2700. Prices are not really going up for what you can get as long as you know what to look for and have reasonable expectations.

Whatever happened to being a smart shopper?

All the best,

Why should price gouging stop with a raise in interest rates? 
Sounds like a great time to turn the screws some more.