Favorite moment with music in your car.

1970. I had one of Norelco’s first car cassette players. I’d connected it to 4 box speakers. Had my honey at my side, driving 8 kids up the hill to school every day. We’re in my yellow 1955 Ford Station wagon, dubbed ‘The Bus’. Music blasting, kids singing along to:
Aretha, Van, Uriah Heep, Supertramp, Beatles, Stones, Black Sabbath, Doors, etc

Please share your own.



I forgot to mention regarding my first post. That cassette deck in the car had a mic jack. I still have a tape or two filled with my 17 year old self and friends hamming it up. I even recorded a cop giving me the 3rd degree when he pulled me over. I was so nervous holding the mic just under the open window to pick up his voice.

Good times.

1975. Riding in a 1970 Corvette on the center console, with my older brother and his friend, on the way to high school sports night. Ported, polished, blueprinted 454 engine, headers, dual quad carbs. Huge speedometer and tachometer gauges glaring. Suzy Q by Creedence comes on the FM radio and plays to the end. It was sublime.


I second the opinion regarding Tesla S audio system. Absolutely magnificent.

Around 10:00 am on a beautiful day in the summer of 2011 on one of our 4 swings out west to national parks, driving through Wyoming with no one in sight and no cell service, I find a radio station who plays Old Cheyenne by Ian Tyson. I'm not a fan of country music, but I immediately recognize how good this song is. If you've never heard it, I highly recommend it because it might just make you want to be a cowboy or maybe not if you hear what happened to Charlie.

Mid 90's in a black 94 T-Bird, I pulled the worst OEM poor excuse for a stereo out of the dash, and began a custom install. In the dash went an Alpine cd player, 5 1/4 ADS separates in the front doors, 5 1/4 Audax co-axes in the rear side panels, and two Seas 10" woofers in a sealed box in the trunk. The amp was an ADS 630x driving four channels up front, and two channels bridged driving the subs. With all that work, the midrange was mud. I went back to the selling dealer, and he swapped out the Alpine for another of the same. The mud remained. The $500 Mitsubishi was no better. Then I listened to a Pioneer Premier CD player, AHHHHHHH! The rest is history! 

We did a trip to Memphis and Graceland a few years back and the music on the way got us primed. In addition to the album Graceland, John Fogerty’s “Blue Moon Swamp” got our Hot Rod Hearts racing.

Way back in college, during a summer geology field course in Montana, The B52s and Bob Markey’s Rastaman Vibration cranking in the school van  was background music for some great times out in the wilderness.