Favorite moment with music in your car.

1970. I had one of Norelco’s first car cassette players. I’d connected it to 4 box speakers. Had my honey at my side, driving 8 kids up the hill to school every day. We’re in my yellow 1955 Ford Station wagon, dubbed ‘The Bus’. Music blasting, kids singing along to:
Aretha, Van, Uriah Heep, Supertramp, Beatles, Stones, Black Sabbath, Doors, etc

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Pre-8 Track days, I had a brand new '65 Comet Cyclone in which I installed an RCA car record player I ordered from a J C Whitney catalog. I added a pair of 6x9's on the rear shelf. The unit played a stack of 45's with an upside down tonearm, jukebox style, that skipped every time I hit a bump or divot in the road. But it beat the heck out of AM radio and I could choose my own music. I was cool before cool was cool, or thought I was.