Favorite integrated amp?

I`m researching integrated amps for my first system (either tubes, hybrid or ss). My budget is fairly open but let`s say...$1200-$1700 (used). I`d like some in-put from those of you who use int. amps in your system. I`d also like to hear what the rest of your gear is and why you like your particular amp.

I enjoy "old rock"...jazz...choral, and some classical.
I am using a KARAN KA-i180. Just switched from Melos tube separates to this integrated. I really like it allot.
I'd also recommend the B60 -- it's a fantastic sounding amp that'll drive most speakers exceedingly well. Very warm, solid bass and an amazing mid-range. Combined with a tube cd player (Hearts, or an Ah! Tjoeb) and you're in audio nirvana.