Favorite Genesis Tracks?

I have been enjoying Genesis of late, especially the mid-70's efforts. I must say, my current favorite tracks are Blood on the Rooftops, One for the Vine, Mad Man Moon, Many Too Many, and doubtless Ripples. If in the mood to push the volume, Los Endos is a fine cut. Who else enjoys them?

Showing 3 responses by roxy54

My friend and I saw Music Box on tour here in Phoenix a couple of months ago performing Selling England by the Pound and it was really moving. Those guys are amazing. When they opened the show with Watcher of the Skies, the entire audience shouted with joy. 
Interesting topic, and something I have thought about. Speaking of Genesis after Peter Gabriel's departure, I too really liked Wind and Wuthering and Trick of the Tail. For me, all of these years later, I find myself listening to them very infrequently, and usually skipping a couple of songs here and there. It isn't so much that they sound "dated", but more that the styling and lyrical content seems a little self-concious, and somtimes borders on being a little precious. When I listen, it seems hard to identify with any real emotions contained in the songs except for the personal memories they conjure of that time.
On the other hand, I still frequently listen to the self-titled "Genesis", although there is definately a little bit of sleepy stuff on it. Still, both versions of Home by the Sea are very good, a great idea for a song I think, Mama and Silver Rainbow are other favorites.
For me, the artistic zenith for Phil Collins with Genesis was on Invisible Touch. Like the self titled album, there were obviously personal relashionship issues going on in his life; apparent in many of the songs. But here, he reaches a lyrical peak. The musings and quaint allegories of the older albums are replaced by a much starker and clearly drawn slice of sadness, bitterness and even despair. The music sesitively tracks and expresses all of the emotion within the lyrics, and it makes for a very moving experience. Now, with the caveat that this is after all a later Genesis album, so there has to be a couple of dentist office sleepers, (In Too Deep, Throwing it All Away) The rest of the songs are focused and strong. For me "Domino", part one and two are the gems of the collection, full of unmasked emotion that has not been prettied up or sugar coated in any way. All of these years later, I am still moved by it.
I just wanted to add a couple of thoughts to my previous comments. The original lineup of Genesis with Peter Gabriel was of course in no way comparable to what came after, They produced some extraordinary musical moments, and like any other artist or group, had their less memorable outings.
I think now that there was a lot of pressure on Phil Collins to carry on a legacy at first that he was not capable of. Not that he wasn't a talent on his own, but he couldn't (and shouldn't) be Peter Gabriel. I think after a couple of albums wiith himself in charge, the band became really a different entity altogether. What must be said though is that the brilliant, self-effacing Tony Banks has provided a brilliant background, and foundation to their sound throughout the years. A real artist.