Favorite CD treatment Products

Has anyone out there tried/compared CD treatment products such as the Auric Illuminator or Essence of Music treatment? Any preferences or comments on these products?

Showing 10 responses by abucktwoeighty

Essence of Music has 2 kits. Which one are you referring to? The professional or the one half the cost?
I received my Essence and found the music was improved over the control disc, but there wasn't a profound change. Like a veil was lifted, but a thin veil. The descriptions above are more accurate than my attempt to relay the improvements. Notes are fuller and depth increases. The music seemed to flow easier, sounded more like the performer was in the room.
I then took the control disc and treated it with Auric Illuminator and found the Essence disc came out on top again. I lost my control disc, but it seemed the control and the Auric treated were rather similar. I've had the Auric for some time, but quit using it after a while, only using it to help with discs that would "skip". I guess this is why I quit using it, not much change.
I believe I'll keep using the Essence, but only on the discs I listen to more than others since it is a time consuming process. But so is cleaning vinyl....
I used Cassandra Wilson's "Glamoured", and a Windham Hill sampler '89. Had similar results with both. I'll be using it on many more. I did find out that I didn't need to use as much as I did the first time. A little over-kill there.
I'm going to treat some more right now.
The instructions say further improvements often result with multiple applications. The longer you leave bottle #1 on the disc, there are better results.
I've noticed that I'm hearing a lot more of the music that I was missing before. I've been playing discs I've heard numerous times and found that I didn't recognize some of the songs playing because they were so different. For the better. Likey more and more...
I haven't found extension, but more clarity across the board. As I listen to more treated discs I find they have more information available. I'm hearing many things I didn't in the past making the tracks sound more alive. From the top to the bottom the music sounds more defined. I'm hearing lower bass more clearly in areas I didn't notice was there prior to the treatment. I'm hearing a lot of percussion in the midband I didn't notice before. I think it just allows everything equal space to shine where areas where muddied over before. Like standing at the end of a long hallway hearing the tunes, then walking into the room difference.
Got to thinking about what Geoff asked. What is being left on the disc after buffing, leaving no residue? The first thing that came to mind was putting RainX on my windshield. RainX says it seals microscopic pores of glass with a super-slick, non-stick invisible barrier. So...
I have 2 Freedy Johnston/This Perfect World cd's, one is control, the other RainX treated. As I was treating the disc, I noticed my fingers felt slippery, slick like when I used the EOM. After playing one, then the other over and over again, I noticed no change whatsoever. Hoped for a change, but alas...would have been a cheap tweak if...
I just treated 5 discs this evening with no scratches. When I wipe, I use one side of the cloth to pick up most of the liquid, then the other side to dry the disc. I don't use much pressure, just light pressure under strong light so I can watch as the liquid is absorbed and the disc gets polished.
I did notice in the past I could scratch a disc easily by using too much pressure or by using a crease, or fold in the cloth.